Okay, so below I've compiled a list of spots around Burdale (past and present) that I think are notable and and need to be investigated further.
Burdale Bar is located on the corner of Cliffside Drive and Birdview Street. It has been a staple of Burdale since before the town's incorporation. Outsiders seem to be drawn there. Pretty sure the barkeep has been the same guy for over a hundred years...
The Spiral Staircase was a shop of oddities and curiosities. Among the items on display was the only piece of wreckage recovered from the 1864 Conjure Quake Event, which was passed down through generations of the Myers family. The shop was owned by Nelson Myers. Nelson Myers died in 1964 in a fire that destroyed The Spiral Staircase. His young son was never found in the wreckage and has been presumed missing ever since. After the fire, the only unscathed item from Nelson's collection was the artifact from The Conjure Quake Event, which was found during the construction of the building's location successor, The Burdale Historical Association museum, which was built in 1967 and has been in operation ever since. I work there - we have the artifact in a safe in our archive room.
Hale Forest Park - Many of Burdale's mysteries are connected to the forest, including The Wildwood Man and The Light Beam Incident.
Bridwell Park - Named after Burdale’s first mayor, Oliver Bridwell, the park spans six acres and is located in central Burdale. Its amenities include a playground, a gazebo, a baseball field, picnic tables, a swimming pool, and an outdoor basketball court.
Spellbind Park & Senior Center is the third park in Burdale. Located at the base of Conjure Mountain, to the south of Burdale. Spellbind Park is falling apart, despite what the town website suggests. The park was built mere yards away from the collapsed mine entrance. Next to the defunct entrance is a memorial statue that includes the names of each of the miners who perished - one name has been scratched out, but my research points to the name being Peter Baker. I believe he was the husband of The Witch Lady.
Conjure Mountain Coal Mine - The collapse was such that it was too dangerous to attempt to recover the bodies, so they’ve remained in mine for the last 150 years. I want to know why, so I'm planning on getting a team together to try to excavate what we can from the site. I'll keep you posted on that.
Crown Rock - Located to the north of Burdale. The remnants of an early European stone castle that can only be explained by the crash of a interdimentionally traveling alien space ship lay on a lower peak. The high peak is home to The Crown Tree. There are also remnants of small tribe settlements built into the walls of the mountain, but they have long been abandoned. Additionally, ancient cave drawings and glyphs of The Wildwood Man, as well as UFOs, have been found at different elevations around the mountain. I have seen these glyphs with my own eyes, and will post photos.
Conjure Mountain stands tall with a 3025 ft elevation. Located to the south of Burdale. A hiking trail leads up to a spot below the mountain’s peak, Witch’s Landing. The peak itself has been mostly inaccessible since The Conjure Quake Event.
Witch’s Landing is the flattened peak of Conjure Mountain. It is the site of The Conjure Quake Event.
Conjure Coal Mine is the collapsed coal mine beneath Conjure Mountain.
Specter Ridge, according to The Burdale Historical Association, "stands with it's highest elevation point at a staggering 4828 ft." There are various radio towers located along the ridge, some of which have functions that are known, and some which are a mystery (but I have my theories). At the southern end of the ridge is the Star Emblem Facility.
The Star Emblem Facility (as I call it), though uncovered documents indicate the official name of this building is The FIRM (Facility for Immortality Research and Multidimensionality). It is a mysterious building on the southern edge of Specter Ridge. I've hiked to this facility multiple times - there are cameras hidden all over the place, not to mention other kinds of surveillance instruments on high alert up there. And then there's the barbed-wire fence surrounding the building with signs all over that say "WARNING: Highly Restricted Area". Judging by newspaper articles, interviews, and research on the way the government handled Roswell, It seems that this a laboratory which likely houses the remains of the alien that was recovered from the 1864 Conjure Quake Event. Maybe even the wreckage from the craft it was piloting is in there as well. They seem to be researching the quantum immortality theory, but I haven't quite figured out how that connects to our alien or the CQE. On the door of the structure is an interesting looking eight-pointed star shape. What does it represent? I have a theory.
Mt. West is Burdale's westernmost mountain. The hills of this mountain house Burdale's public library, the Bridwell family cemetery, and Skin/Walker Drive-In, among other notable locations. The Bridwells, the Skins, and the Walkers are three families that I believe have big roles in this massive cover up.
Arboreal Art Gallery is the local art gallery, located on Cliffside Drive. The gallery is privately owned by Buddy Pal, a local artist who's artistic muse is the mysterious Wildwood Man. What's with his obsession? I don't know, but he's a very interesting man with some interesting knowledge on the beast we call The Wildwood Man.
The Somewhere Motel is located on Cliffside Drive, across the street and down a bit from The Burdale Bar. Nothing special, but it's got a continental breakfast. according to the front desk guy Wallet, The Somewhere Motel has a sister establishment somewhere in New Mexico called The Elsewhere Hotel. Quite a few of our out-of-towners stay here, many of whom have disappeared.
The Burdale Historical Association (est. 1967) is a museum showcasing Burdale’s history, including thorough exhibits on The Conjure Quake Event and The Light Beam Incident. Here, we have on display, the only uncovered wreckage from The Conjure Quake Event. I work here.
Spectral Spectacles is the local amusement park. Located just northeast of Burdale, within The Phantom Valley. It's owned by the family of our current mayor Samuel Tripp Loch. It can't be a coincidence that the town of Swansong in the UK has a counterpart to Spectral Spectacles called Wendego Wonderpark. There are too many parallels between these towns.
The Bizarre Bazar is a mall across from the base of Mt. West, next to The Skin/Walker Cineplex on Bridwell Ln. Its storefronts include various retail shops, a Chalupacabra fast food restaurant, the Appalachia Creamery ice cream parlor, and a Cosmic Burger. The property is owned by the family of Oliver Bridwell.
Skin/Walker Cineplex & Drive-In is the local movie theater located on Bridwell Ln. The facility features six indoor theatres, as well as a large screen across the street at the base of Mt. West. This screen is used for drive-in screenings.
(Now showing: Pictures On Silence - a film adaptation of a musical about a man going through the five stages of grief after his wife and son are killed in a car accident.) Everything involving the Bridwell family is suspicious. They've got roots everywhere, and the roots go too deep. Too much power and influence.