Never County
Sheriff's Department
Welcome To The Official Website of
The Never County Sheriff's Department

For well over 100 years, the Never County Sheriff's Department has served the Burdale community. Through tragic moments like the Conjure Quake Event, to great triumphs the Never County Sheriff has been a constant source of comfort and support to The Town Of Burdale for all this time. Today, Sheriff Glenn Bank IV and his 7 deputies (not to mention 4 additional station staff) serve their community with integrity and commitment. They prioritize public safety by patrolling neighborhoods, responding to emergencies, and building strong relationships with residents. Through community outreach programs, they engage with citizens to foster trust and collaboration. Together, they work tirelessly to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone.
Sheriff's Bulletin Board
Be a Crime Stopper!
By taking ownership and pride in our community we commit to making it a safer place to live and raise our families. As a professional law enforcement agency, the sheriff's department appreciates and depends on any information that the public is able to provide. It is through partnerships with the people it serves that the department builds trust and improves public safety. You can partner with the sheriff's department to keep crime down. It's simple. Just email:
Be Weary Of Misinformation:
Websites, such as www.wildwoodwhispers.com, are riddled with wacko conspiracy theories and misinformation. It's best to avoid visiting such websites out of an abundance of caution not to be part of spreading misinformation, as well as to protect your computer from viruses and malware. The Never County Sheriff's Department encourages you to verify information through trusted sources, such as our own website, www.burdalehistoricalassociation.org, and www.townofburdale.gov. Please report any suspicious activity. Together, we can ensure our community remains informed and safe.
1) Don't leave valuables inside your car, such as a purse, wallet, laptop computer, gym bag, money, jewelry, music player, or cameras;
2) Don't remove GPS tracking devices and related accessories from your car;
3) Close & lock car doors. Activate the alarm. Roll up windows.​​​​​​​

Sheriff Glenn Bank IV
Sheriff Bank is the 7th sheriff of Never County. He commands a total of 11 sworn staff. For over 20 years, he's worked tirelessly to promote safety and well being of Never County residents.


The content of this website is fiction created for the purpose of lore expansion and is in no way related to any real person or organization.